Oceans Between Us

Text by Irina Zartayskaya, illustrated by Masha Sudovykh

All children need loving parents, but parents are not superheroes. They have problems, doubts, fears, and they often learn from their own children. This story offers a key to building a stronger relationship with your child.

There is one island in the ocean where only children live – those who don’t have parents, yet. Parents come to take their child if they think about him or her. A girl named Tati has been waiting for her parents for seven years. One day, fearing that something has happened to them, she decides to cross the ocean and find her parents. After a long journey, Tati reaches a big city. Exhausted, she falls asleep on a bench in a park. When she wakes up, her father Dandelion is standing just in front of her! They spend a wonderful day together – the best one in Tati’s life. Then, it turns out that Dandelion has to send Tati back to the island but he promises to come one day to take her home. Will it come true?

  • It’s a philosophical tale about both children’s and parents’ loneliness and trust, dreams, and fears, and search for attention, belonging, and love.
  • Misunderstanding is quite natural between children and parents, the question is how not to lose the delicate connection and to take the first step toward each other in any situation.
  • Lots of allegories and food for thought.
  • Atmospheric color palette

Age: 5+
Pages: 56
Size: 240*280 mm
Published in 2019 by Polyandria Print
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