She’s a Student. The Way to Women’s University

Text by Anna Rusinova & Dmitriy Gusev, illustrated by Tatiana Tsyrlina

Education is independence, the possibility to choose a profession, destiny, and a way to earn money. Today’s teen girls can hardly imagine that they aren’t allowed to enter university but some time ago it was a reality.

The Bestuzhev Courses is a unique phenomenon of the world's fight for women’s higher education. The courses were set up by women to become one of the first women’s universities in the world. Note a difference between allowing women to attend men’s universities (even without giving a diploma!)and establishing a special non-state institution for women. The three founders of the Bestuzhev Courses were doing the impossible in a conservative society by getting necessary permissions, attracting the best professors, arranging investments and fundraising, building a campus, and equipping high-tech laboratories. Where else was it possible at that time? This book tells the story of the courses and their alumni from their inception in the late 1860s until 1919 when the Soviet government merged the courses with another university.

  • Education is independence, the possibility to choose a profession, destiny, and a way to earn money.
  • Today’s teen girls can hardly imagine that they aren’t allowed to enter university but some time ago it was a reality.
  • Inspiring story of the first feminists when the word feminism was hardly used.
  • Access to higher education is one of the fundamental human rights which women had to fight for.
  • Unique graphic novel, blending rare historical facts and a fascinating story of true historical characters who contributed to world science.

Graphic novel
Age: 13+
Pages: 96
Size: 170*240 mm
Published in 2021 by Samokat
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