Out of the Nest. A Story of a Fieldfare

Text by Alexandra Smirnova and Diana Yanbarisova, illustrated by Olesya Gonserovskaya

Have you ever found a baby bird on the ground? Was your first thought to come help it? Don`t you hurry! Keep calm and read this story.

A baby fieldfare named Kira is quite curious. Following a beautiful butterfly, Kira falls out of her nest. Is that dangerous?! Yes and no. Without falling out of the nest, a fieldfare won’t learn how to fly, eat and protect itself. The forest floor is a new and unknown world for Kira. We follow her and her new friend – a witty and forward-thinking lizard – as Kira starts exploring it. Scientific commentary will help us learn many interesting facts about fledglings, fieldfares, forest life and even humans visiting the forest.

2022 Silver Medal of iJungle Illustration Awards
2023 Finalist of BCBF Illustrators Exhibition
2023 The BRAW Amazing Bookshelf of BCBF

  • A story of a baby bird and her adventures in the forest.
  • Things you need to know about fledglings.
  • Interesting facts about the life of birds in the forest: symbiosis and pollution, bird homes and nutrition, their friends and enemies, and more.
  • Possible parallels with a child growing up, when they start needing more freedom and should take responsibility for learning something new.
  • Illustrated with a love of nature, written with a good sense of humor.

Simplified Chinese

Age: 5+
Pages: 56
Size: 220*220 mm
Published in 2022 by Samokat

Other titles by the same illustrator are:
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