Text by Nina Dashevskaya, illustrated by Yulia Sidneva
What is a winter wonder nowadays? Simple and real, without elves or Santa. Everyone can have their own wonder if the wish is strong and sincere. Even if it’s just some snow on New Year’s Eve.
This is an illustrated short story about winter wonders for children and adults. It’s the end of December and it’s time for a winter holiday mood which one can feel much stronger if it’s snowing. But it’s not snowing. To be more accurate, it’s heavily snowing just in one and only quarter on the outskirts of the city. But this contradicts all the rules of nature. How could it be?
A modern winter story featuring a painter and a pianist.
Philosophical thoughts that bring a winter holiday mood.
A story about power of desire, art and love of mankind.
How can mutual understanding happen between strangers?
One more successful collaboration of an acknowledged award-winning author Nina Dashevskaya and a young, but experienced and popular, artist Yulia Sidneva. Their previous book “Teo is a Theatre Captain” is included in the 2020 IBBY Honour List in the category of Writing.
Early Reader Book Age: from 5 to 105 Pages: 48 Size: 205*240 mm Published in 2021 by Samokat